Sunday, March 21, 2010

Inaugural Post

For years I have been talking about writing a book about a theory that my friend Larry and I developed in the 1980s. We called it the Theory of Bulk and spent a lot of time (and brown liquor) probing the edges of this description of human interaction and organization. Due to demands of jobs, families, travel and relocation, and a lack of adequate supplies of brown liquor and green chile, we never made much progress on the book. So today, I decided it was time to try another approach.

This blog will be an attempt to explore the idea using a broader collaboration of the willing. I am hoping that Larry and I will post some ideas and thoughts that provoke discussion and comment. BTW, Larry doesn't know I am doing this, so it may just be me, but watch this space for more on his involvement.

Over the next few days I will give some background on the theory and what we think it means. Some of this will be practical discussion of organizational an social theory and some of it will be pretty metaphysical. My hope is that we can bridge the two in a way that makes sense and can develop a better model of how people organize and interact.

Thanks for being part of my little experiment and I looking forward to some interesting banter.

En garde,


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